

Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I add you on League of Legends?
If I have room, sure!

2. Can I play a game with you?
90% of the time, no.  I'm a busy guy but sometimes when I have time I'll accept.

3. Why don't you make more videos?
I don't have a lot of time in the day to record games due to background noise.

4. Do you make money off your videos?
Not right now, but when my partnership settles in, I will.

5. Can I spam you with messages?
Sure if you want to get deleted!

6. Can I do a video with you?
Possibly, I ask that you have had your channel for a while and put in a good amount of effort. I didn't get my first collaboration till I had ~1,000 Subscribers.

7. How do I get better at League?
Practice, research, consistency, and realizing and fixing your problems every game. Are there some games where you play perfect? No.  There's always something you could have done better. Try to focus not on what your teammates could have done better. There are some games you can't win, that is true. There is never a game where you can't walk away with some knowledge.

8. You're not even X Elo, why should I watch your videos?
I'm constantly learning and trying to get better, maybe you can use my knowledge better than I can.  I truly believe that if I had a more consistent playing schedule I'd be X+ elo.  Also, I like to think that my videos are informative and sometimes entertaining.

9. Why do you have a blog?
Its a way I can update you guys at all times.  If I have a small update, I'll tweet/facebook it. If I need help from you guys, I'll tweet/facebook it.  If I have bigger things I want to post, I'll blog it.

10. I have a question!
Either message me in game or email me! If you email me, you'll most likely get a better response. Its harder to get a reply on Youtube, since 95% is spam so I don't spend a lot of time checking which is not. 


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