
Feb 28th Ranked Games

(Just kept normals for authenticity) 
Game 1
Udyr 1-2-15

Learning to play Udyr!
Counter jungled and learning when Udyr becomes god mode
Communicating with my team worked wonders

Kinda low in farming and twice I just dove enemy team without assessing my team
I need to killsteal more

What to work on
Have smite ready for objectives
Make sure team can follow up when I initiate

WATCH THIS GAME: (will put link here later!)


Game 2
Tristana 15-5-4

This was my first Ranked 5s with my new Team (Team Kevin Blows)
Tristana kill lane is just ridiculous
Got to play my Guerilla Tactics lane (Tristana + Leona = first blood level 3 np np)

Need a bit more team coordination and ward coverage.  A couple blown ultis and deaths because we were caught out of place. 

What to work on
Positioning and general map awareness for whole team


Game 3
Tristana 9-2-5

Guerilla tactics TOO strong (Lux + Tristana = level 2/3 first blood np np)
Kept up my farming as well as kills
Denied enemy carry of a lot of farm as well as made their jungler come bot always
Good supports = FREELO

Lux KS'd me :[
Died at an awkward stage so I went triple dorans and vamp scepter. Didn't matter though, ended building PD + 3 Dorans for maximum early game advantage.

What to work on
Talk to team before match, if they can play a good Leona/Lux = Guerilla Tactics gg
If not, play a solo lane/jungle
Started: 1329
ELO: 1353


That's all for this post, this is the format I will be using for LIvestream recaps from now on!  If you have any questions or comments, please comment here or contact me through Facebook or Twitter! If you want to see some full gameplays be sure to check out my Youtube.  I'll be posting a lot of full game plays pretty soon, so be sure to subscribe! In an unrelated note though, click here to see my full gameplays on Youtube.

- Stay Classy and Keep Winning!

Nick "DoubleWinning" Gustafson <--- FOLLOW SO YOU DON'T MISS A LIVESTREAM! :)

Livestream Feb 23rd

Pretty fun livestream, hopefully I'll catch more of you guys next time!

Game 1
Tristana 0-6-0

None really

I had terrible last hitting, every lane lost including mine, I died to Talon/Lee Sin ganks
Lost morale and basically just played dumb last 4 deaths because the game was already 2-15 with every dragon theirs and all out towers gone

What to work on
Last hitting and putting more pressure on Enemy, find more openings.


Game 2
Shyvanna 4-2-6

Counter jungled Nocturne early, was able to grab his red but not quite fast enough so that he didn't notice
Had good dragon timers except last which was off by like 45 seconds
Had good wards to prevent counter jungling
Stopped half their blues
If lane has good CC, easy ganks (Annie stun OP)

Not using health potions early while fighting, coulda saved life
Using smite knowing dragon/baron
Need to communicate better with team when objectives are up

What to work on
Keep more timers and communicate with team about them


Game 3
Graves 3-2-6

Pushed Caitlynn well so that I out CS'd her
Kept good dragons again so we controlled them no problem
Support sucked but I carried her jk

Kept running out of mana, consider Mana Regen for a push lane/use soraka instead of Sona
Invaded red without wardage, got caught and pooped on, need to pay attention to lanes if i'm going to make a big play hero mode

What to work on
Paying attention to lanes so I can make big plays


Game 4
Talon 7-6-13

Incredible Dragon/Baron control
Farmed well enough to matter late game
Ganked pretty well with Boots 5, shoulda got Mercs though

Got jewed early by Lee Sin and Vlad having <50 HP (DAMN YOU LEE SIN SHIELD!)
Got rocked by Vlad in lane, feeding a little
Died too much early

What to work on
Getting double kills while under pressure aka turn and burn better
Switch lanes earlier if needed
Pay more attention to what boots to get

Started: 1290
ELO: 1329

That's all for this post, this is the format I will be using for LIvestream recaps from now on!  If you have any questions or comments, please comment here or contact me through Facebook or Twitter! If you want to see some full gameplays be sure to check out my Youtube.  I'll be posting a lot of full game plays pretty soon, so be sure to subscribe! In an unrelated note though, click here to see my full gameplays on Youtube.

- Stay Classy and Keep Winning!

Nick "DoubleWinning" Gustafson <--- FOLLOW SO YOU DON'T MISS A LIVESTREAM! :)

Made Me Feel Happy!

Read in the Red!
I was playing some ranked (been on a downturn recently, so I took a bit of a break to work on my last hitting and such in normals) and I plugged my youtube like I try to do when I do well.  I was paid a pretty cool compliment that made me happy.  Also, we carried that Tryndamere so hard. (He was 0-3 against a Garen up top) Vlad was actually down against Ryze for the beginning of the game too.  However, Soraka and I made some pretty damn fine plays down bot and got me fed and farmed.  I had a full build around 35 minutes.

Heal on carry is pretty nice early game, got a nice heal bait on Janna who came to clean me up and ended up dying.
Soraka was really good, didn't need instruction
I was doing a pretty good job at last hitting and harassing at the right times.
QSS is a beast against Ryze snare and Rammus taunt.
Set up good Barons/Dragons and kept timers and reminded my teammates (example: "1 min till dragon, shen come bot" "baron up in 1 min, oracles/ward and group up"
Had good positioning and dipped in and out of fights well

Whiffed two ults pretty bad, gotta remember resistances.
Jumped onto Garen blindly (who then spin to winned all over my face)
Got a little irritated with 0/3 Trynd for starting brawlers gloves

What I Learned
Shen is OP. First pick or Ban every game.
In a teamfight as Ranged Carry, don't fight the other ranged carry.  You may kill them, but its too risky and you won't live as long. Try and do the safest amount of constant DPS.
Everything freaking cancels Rocket Jump

That's all for this post! If you have any questions or comments, please comment here or contact me through Facebook or Twitter! If you want to see some full gameplays be sure to check out my Youtube. Click here to see my full gameplays on Youtube.

- Stay Classy and Keep Winning!

Nick "DoubleWinning" Gustafson  <-- FOLLOW ME GUYS :D

MMM dat Poppy Rage

MMM beat Poppy in lane SO hard that he built an early Ninja Tabi + 3 Chain Vests.
I still beat him. Hahaha.

New Heartseeker Vayne Skin


New Valentine's Vayne Skin was released!  I won't get all angsty and emo and talk about how this depresses me cause I can't see my girlfriend and that's why I won't buy it.  In fact, I wish I could buy it: but I already spent all my RP.  I do find it funny that they developed this really nice looking skin after nerfing her so hard.  I do think that Vayne is still a viable pick, just not the dominating AD force she used to be.

Then I look closer and see that FUCKING BITCH KILLED MUNDO! Otherwise, she hit him with a "cupid's arrow" type and thing.. well when that's just some kinky cartoon shit that I won't get into.  Rule 34 anyone?

In case you guys didn't know, this was more of a fun post, just reminding you to have a good Valentine's day.  You don't need to be in a relationship to like Valentine's day, just like just because you're in one doesn't mean you don't like it!  Take a moment out of your time to show people you appreciate them.  Then, try and continue to do that more than just on the holidays.  But this is a League blog, so I'll cut this short here!

That's all for this post! If you have any questions or comments, please comment here or contact me through Facebook or Twitter! If you want to see some full gameplays be sure to check out my Youtube. Click here to see my full gameplays on Youtube.

- Stay Classy and Keep Winning!

Nick "DoubleWinning" Gustafson 


I'll just leave this here, lets just say, my back hurts.


Livestream Feb 10th

You guys missed a good livestream, but if you'd like to know what happened here's the recap!

^Taken directly from my match history. 

First game Tryndamere had a bit of trouble with a Renekton.  I was winning in farm, I had a kill on him, however I wasn't dominating him. If you want to raise your ELO and not take chances, you have to destroy your lane and carry potential baddies. I didn't because Trundle came up three times (only once for a good reason) and because of that he didn't spend much time counter-jungling or in other lanes.  Did I ask him to? No. However if I would have been winning my lane harder and communicated better than it could have been fixed.  Bot lane lost pretty bad and we got to end game where we didn't have much coordination so I was barely able to stay in the fight. It was mostly me coming in a little late (to avoid CCs) still getting focused and then having to QSS, ult, and try and get out to heal.  Ended up in a loss, kind of a sucky start but its whatever!

To a comeback victory with GP (1-3 beat in lane against an Irelia as GP) came back 8-4-15 GP GIVES NO FUCKS
Second game I was playing Gangplank top and the enemy team picked Irelia.  I was worried because Irelia is still kinda foggy to me.  She's super good and hyper carry late game and worst of all my Gangplank isn't very strong. Definately need to work on him solo top because I know he's super strong, I just play him wrong.  This was a good learning experience though, because if read one of my older posts you'll know about the game with GP where I got pooped on by a Riven.   Almost the same thing, Irelia was up 3 kills to my 1, but I was out CSing her and I had assists from my ult.  So she was up in gold, but I knew if I played right and didn't feed her any more we'd be fine. So I gave up my tower(told my team I was gonna and why) and started freezing the creep wave near my 2nd tier tower.  Then when she left my lane I'd push it out hard and do work on her tower, leaving her out on CS and XP.  

We got a SUPER clutch teamfight where we caught them all coming out of a bush trying to gank and Mummy ulted and I ulted at the same time.  We picked off their Ashe and Ziggs and made work of the Irelia, Maokai and Sona.  We only lost one of our champs and it really brought our morale back up.  Especially me since I picked up a double kill and started tanking up since I had my Triforce.  
More teamfights that were in our favor and well timed dragons,barons, and pushes and we got the victory. I thanked my team for the carry and was constantly encouraging them for doing so well in the game.  And guess what?

I was granted a great game from LoL Karma (no not the champion!) and I DESTROYED a game with Graves.  It was a real fun game to watch.  First pick wanted Ranged AD (I called top or ranged, someone took top so I asked for top).  First pick grabbed Graves and said he was gonna be Ranged.  I asked if he could be a bro and let me and he said yeah of course, grab me Sona.  It was so awesome and I didn't let him down! We were against Corki Soraka and we ended up getting a CLUTCH double kill first blood (both for me) when it looked like Sona had gotten gibbed.  She used summoner heal and ended up getting away with 30hp and while they were stabbing at her I killed both of them.  It was a steam roll from there and a 20 minute surrender. 

However we all know what happens when you get a good team? You've got to get a bad team next.  But like I've said, win 11/20 games; gain ELO.  I was duo-queueing with my friend Noodlescoop who has around 100 ELO less than me, so almost always its gonna be me first pick and him last pick. I don't really like it because it limits me usually to jungle or support to avoid counter pick.  I picked Wukong as a way to confuse the enemy team into picking a counter pick for Wukong.  I was actually jungling as Wukong!  Then we got a Teemo top against Garen which was fine.  However, then it was Pantheon Leona bottom, which meant I'd have to go there a lot or else their kill lane would be useless.  Then it was Noodlescoop as Xerath against Swain mid.  

Shyvanna counter jungled me hard taking my wraiths and red while 4-man ganking with mid on bottom.  They got first blood and I was a little worried.  So I jungled without blue and got a lot of successful ganks bot (Leona + Pantheon super kill lane, success!) but they were doing a poor job CSing, so the kills were actually only making it even.  I didn't even go top once because it was even CS and Teemo up 1 kill on Garen basically the whole game.  Shyvanna would walk into a mushroom and then give up. 

I ended up getting crazy amounts of assists from my ganks then after some rocky teamfights (2 for 3, 3 for 2, etc) we started gaining advantage.  Then I had a great call where they went for dragon while we were top, so we bum rushed baron, they came to fight, we killed, got baron and pushed to win basically.  Towards the end I was trying SO hard to kill steal, but Pantheon was getting all the kills.  Thus my 0-2-16 game as Wukong.  However, I did build basically tank with Giant's Belt, Negatron, Wriggles, Boots, Phage(either Triforce or Frozen Mallet depending on what team needed) so I didn't really expect many kills.  Just surprising I didn't get any! 

Then the last game was almost the opposite!  I went top lane against a Garen as Tryndamere and Lee Sin quickly got first blood on the Garen.  After that I just pushed and harassed, knowing that a Mocking Shouted Judgment would do less damage than me if I was full rage.  I was right and we started trading and he was losing. I outplayed him a few times by making him chase me through creeps, drawing lots of minion aggro.  Eventually I shut him down once I got wriggles, netting two kills already. I was always warded and the one time I wasn't I got away with Ghost (I'm really like Ghost Exhaust on Tryndamere). My creep score was 100 more than Garen by the end of the game.  I was also pushing so hard without taking tower (to deny Garen) that I made plays to steal their blue for our mid twice, farmed TONS of double golems and their wolves, and basically shut down top lane.  This allowed my team to 4v4 knowing that I was getting SUPER farmed.

Everytime I had Red Lizard Buff it forced Garen to be shut down because my Phantom Dancer made it so he had to either commit to a fight (and die) or be completely zoned out.  They sent Ryze, Caitylnn, Shyvanna top a few times to try and stop me and I just kited and survived.  The one time I died was a good play by the enemy team where they literally shut me down (before I got my QSS) with a Taric stun ontop of a Cait trap into a Ryze snare.  After I got QSS though I just ripped through their team.

That was the last game I livestreamed and I really enjoyed it!  I gained some followers, however, if you haven't followed me yet be sure to click the link below and do so! That way you can join me while I livestream! Thanks guys. 

That's all for this post, I hope you guys learned some! If you have any questions or comments, please comment here or contact me through Facebook or Twitter! If you want to see some full gameplays be sure to check out my Youtube.  I'll be posting a lot of full game plays pretty soon, so be sure to subscribe! In an unrelated note though, click here to see my full gameplays on Youtube.

- Stay Classy and Keep Winning!

Nick "DoubleWinning" Gustafson 

How to Get out Of ELO Hell 101: Part 4

Welcome to ELO Hell 101, I'm Nick and I'll be here to teach you how to get out of ELO Hell.  Whether it takes two days or two months, I'll do my very best to walk you through my best tips and tricks for carrying yourself out of ELO Hell and into at least Bronze rating.  I myself found that once I was at least Bronze I felt a lot less self conscious about my rating (not that you should care, its League of Legends) and was able to more enjoy the game.  Do I still rage at ELO HELL TERROR and all that? Yes. That's not going to go away, however you can do a few things to significantly lower your raging. 

So welcome to class, ELO Hell 101.

Have you read Lessons 1-3 yet? If not click How to Get out of ELO Hell 101.

Lesson 4: Be a Leader! 
Quick story time, I recently got my 100th ranked win.  (90 something in Solo Queue, I had a few 3v3 and 5v5 games) and I had a really awesome game as Graves.  As you may well know, nerf after nerf after nerf, Graves is still one of the dominating ranged ADs.  He's a killer, pusher, and has some of the best DPS and burst out of all the ranged ads.   So doing well with him in a game, not that hard.  Thus why I have a 14-5 record with him in Ranked. 

Is it because I'm the best Graves ever? No way.  I whiff my Q (the downsides of smartcasting) and I've overextended after getting Annie 6-0 syndrome before.  But I ask you to look at this

I kept the Sivir game in there just so you know it was a direct copy paste from my records.  This was 11PM-1AMish (I usually play at night, not really recommended though)

Now I ask you, which game do you think I carried the hardest?  Was it the 2-0-6 game? The 15-3-8 game? Or the 10-0-11 game?  The obvious answer would be the 10-0 or the 15-3, because I got a good K/D.  Then the smartass "I'm not fooled by anyone" response would be that it was the 2-0-6.  However here's the real answer: none of them and all of them.

Well dash bullshit DoubleWinning!  

Yeah, yeah I got it.  What do I mean by this though?  It brings me to my lesson that you have to Be a Leader! Each one of these games had a leader, and while I might have been a carry the leader usually wasn't me.  I wasn't making calls, I wasn't making big plays, I was instead focusing on carrying as hard as I could.  So who really carried? The Leader or the Carry?  The General or his greatest soldier? The coach or the MVP?  It could go either way.

The 15-3-8 game came from a Dr. Mundo jungle game.  In champ select I asked if he'd tried Shyvanna since in my opinion, she does things that Mundo can't and does a lot of things he can; but better.  He said she is a good jungler, but he intends on taking dragon at 4:50, which Shyvanna can't.  It was interesting and I'll admit I was skeptical, but instead of bitching and moaning I focused on my gameplay.  That's something not a lot of people do.  

The game starts and I ask if Sona and I can take Golems, he says no because it'll interfere with his route.  I was a little bummed but again I didn't bitch.  He had a plan and I was willing to go through with it.  Why? " A good solution applied with vigor now is better than a perfect solution applied ten minutes later." - George S. Patton WW2 General. So like he'd planned he hit level 4 and went to Dragon.  He made sure Sona warded dragon at 1:50 to check if they warded.  

Why did he do that?  He had a plan.  In case you didn't catch it, if anyone knew he was taking dragon so early, he would be massacred and possibly give up a free dragon.  So being a leader he took charge and asked for the ward, which Sona presented.  Then around 4:30 he said he was going to go for Dragon and for me to push my lane.  This way Sona could swing in and give him some heals and dragon.  Why? Because Mundo taking dragon at level 4 is possible, just VERY dangerous.  So we did this, Mundo didn't have to use his summoner heal but they did catch on!  They caught vision of Sona outside the dragon nest and threw down a ward, Mundo immediatly pinged and told mid to come down.  The teamfight was starting and I ran up as fast as I could.

We got dragon and we knew we couldn't kill them with an injured jungler so he retreated.  We all got away and we had the dragon timer.  This is how the whole game went, we played like we were a FIVES team against a bunch of Solo Queuers.  Did the whole team cooperate all the time? No!  Skarner had TP and botched it a few times up top and wasted it, so we did lose some fights.  However, we had most of the advantages because we had a leader.

So yes, I had a lot of kills and was very very strong.  Did I carry? Yes.  I killed most of the enemy team and towers and such, but Mundo made the plays.  I followed him because I trusted him and put my faith in him.  He proved he knew what he was doing, and we were rewarded with some ELO for it.  What was his score at the end of the game? Around 2-4-8.  But he was easily MVP, and I made sure to let him know that.  He deserved the praise.  Plus, he was being a leader and a player at the same time, which is a hard feat.

My flawless 10 kill game?  We had a Shaco orchestrating the plays.  We had a quick 6-0 bottom lane spread among me Shaco and Sona within 10 minutes.  Then it was immediate dragon after immediate dragon, blue buff control, all the beauties that bring a surrender.  Did I carry that game?  Shaco and I did, but was I the leader? Not the majority of the game.  

My 2-0-6 game? That was a 20 minute surrender because we literally shut them down.  We played like a team of fives, which if you're in ELO Hell: that is how you get out. Play like you're a ranked 5s team and its a surefire victory.  

I know this sounds like bragging, and I'm sorry but I just had to paint the picture of what you want before I can explain how to attain it.  I know a lot of you are already complaining about how "duh I know how to win Double, but all I get are $&%*$ bags and $$#( monglers!" trust me. I understand. Do all my games go perfect? Of course not. But ELO is a LOT like Baseball.

Here's something a lot of people don't realize or don't tell you.  


What does that mean? 100 games, 55 wins and 45 losses.  Or, win 11/20 games and your rating will grow.  That means YES you will lose.  There is literally nothing I can tell you or teach you to make sure you NEVER lose.  If that was a secret I knew, you really think I'd be blogging about it? No way.  I'd be knee-deep in trophies and checks from TSM and CLG.  

I'm telling you that for every five shittiest team of all time, worst players in the GAME, if you can win with 6 decently organized teammates, you'll grow ELO.  I know that is crazy, but its true. 

I'm sorry for rambling, but I'll try and get to the goods.  Like I stated before Be a LEADER!  If I wouldn't have had a leader those games, I might not have won.  We wouldn't have a outrageous advantage that allowed us to control the pace of the game.  So how do you be a leader?  Here's a quick guide to being a good leader in League of Legends.

* Be respectful and supportive, EVEN to baddies.  I had an EMBARRASSING loss to Riven up top as Gangplank and my team was wonderful to me. Udyr tried his best to gank, but he wasn't too great either, so our mid helped out.  What happened? I farmed and farmed and as most GPs know, you become a pretty damn fine carry.  I knew that if I collected Assists from my Ult, stopped getting caught, and farmed with my Parrley and GP/5 items (Philo Stone + Heart of Gold) that I would make up the gold I'd missed out on.  What happened after that? We turned it around.  Malzahar and I carried the game.  Would I have been able to do that with asshole teammates? No.  They were respectful and supportive and carried me all the way to late game, because they followed that rule.

* Make educated decisions and big plays. Jungler ganking top while your jungler is bot?  No TP top? Bam swing for dragon and possibly their blue buff.  No Alistar or other SUPER level 1 champion on enemy team? Try invading.  Don't get greedy and make educated plays.  You have to play HIGHER than your ELO to RAISE your ELO.  Dragon timer coming up?  MAKE A GAME PLAN!  Maybe that's ganking bot or mid lane and then taking dragon.  Or telling top to head down so it's a 5v3/4/5.  Either way, if your whole team runs around like idiots, you flip a coin.  You'll win 10/20 times, maybe.  But you need to win 11/20 times. 

* TIMERS. TIMERS. TIMERS. I don't know if you watched IEM Kiev and M5 sweep through everyone, but if you didn't I suggest checking it out.  What did they do?  They DOMINATED the jungle and all timers.  What does this mean, warding within a minute of a buff coming up and then ganking them.  Securing all your buffs, getting them on the right people OR making the decision to starve the enemy of the buff even if it means on a less beneficial character. (MOST good junglers don't need the 2nd/3rd blue)

Blue/Red spawns at 1:55.  Judging by how good their leash is, you can decide whether it took them 10 seconds or 30 seconds to kill it.  Blue/Red spawns every 5 minutes if all creeps in the camp are killed.  What does that mean?  In an unorganized team, you can usually grab their first buff they grabbed at around 7:30.  Make sure your team knows this so that the respective lane can either respond in an emergency, or just come and sweep.

Starving small camps is not really worth it anymore except very early game.  Its better to supplement your gold/EXP since you're going out of your way already.  However, if you've got a lot of pressure on your team (bad lanes, etc) then a good trick is to leave 1 small minion at their buff, AND WARD IT.  This way it'll delay their buff timer quite a bit and 9/10 they'll kill that small minion within the 3 minute ward timer.  Then time the buff. This helps a lot if your buffs and their buffs are spawning at the same time and you want some more leeway.  

Dragon spawns at 2:30, though its not recommended to grab it then unless you have some serious team comp.  If you're on purple side, PULL the dragon out.  This will stop blue side from jumping the wall and stealing.  Always try and make plays before dragon to try and secure an advantage.  Even if its just a quick 3-5 man gank to secure 1 kill.  That will make the possible dragon fight 4v5.  Also, suiciding to secure a dragon steal is worth it most of the time before 25 minutes.  Even better if you can get away though.  Dragon then spawns after 6 minutes of it being dead.  KEEP A TIMER and prepare at least a minute before.  This means pink wards, wards, etc.  

Baron Nashor spawns at 15:00 and then 7:00 minutes after death.  Think of the above dragon tips, but amplify by a lot.  Knowing when to Baron and when to push is a big thing that you can only get through experience in League of Legends.  I can't list every situation, but in general I find that Free Towers in the Base > Baron > Outer Towers > Dragon > Buffs. 

The best times to get Baron is when you've netted a kill or two, but you're still waiting on some pressure from lanes.  This is because if the enemy team comes to contest you, their base will be barraged.  However if you chose to push, it might just be a standstill, and thus the Baron buff would have helped a lot.  Also it gives you 300 global gold and 900 experience which early/mid game is huge.  The buff is also crazy good.

That is what will win teamfights.  If you prolong fights around towers then eventually your team will advantage.  (Unless you're against a poke heal comp)

*Accept when you made a bad play, THEN discuss what could have been done to fix it.  Sometimes you make a play, expecting 100% from your teammates and they give you 70%.  Most of the time it is better to say "my bad, bad play" and THEN say what would have made it work.  Say you went for dragon, with your Ranged, Support and Jungler.

You guys get ganked 4v3 and lose dragon.

This is how you should go.

"Sorry my bad, bad play.  Next dragon mid can you come down if mid leaves lane?"
"Dragon timer"

That way you've taken the blame (while maybe you really don't deserve it) and you've still given a way to help improve your odds.  Its MUCH more effective than this.


It makes them feel stupid and they get frustrated.  Frustration loses games and just gives the game a bad rap.

If there is stuff I missed (which I'm sure I did) then please comment or message me.  I have all my contact details at the end of this post.  I know this one was a longer one, but I hope you enjoyed the read.  I'd really love to hear what you guys have to say about this all. That's all for this post, I hope you guys learned some! If you have any questions or comments, please comment here or contact me through Facebook or Twitter! If you want to see some full gameplays be sure to check out my Youtube.  I'll be posting a lot of full game plays pretty soon, so be sure to subscribe! In an unrelated note though, click here to see my full gameplays on Youtube.

- Stay Classy and Keep Winning!

Nick "DoubleWinning" Gustafson