
Made Me Feel Happy!

Read in the Red!
I was playing some ranked (been on a downturn recently, so I took a bit of a break to work on my last hitting and such in normals) and I plugged my youtube like I try to do when I do well.  I was paid a pretty cool compliment that made me happy.  Also, we carried that Tryndamere so hard. (He was 0-3 against a Garen up top) Vlad was actually down against Ryze for the beginning of the game too.  However, Soraka and I made some pretty damn fine plays down bot and got me fed and farmed.  I had a full build around 35 minutes.

Heal on carry is pretty nice early game, got a nice heal bait on Janna who came to clean me up and ended up dying.
Soraka was really good, didn't need instruction
I was doing a pretty good job at last hitting and harassing at the right times.
QSS is a beast against Ryze snare and Rammus taunt.
Set up good Barons/Dragons and kept timers and reminded my teammates (example: "1 min till dragon, shen come bot" "baron up in 1 min, oracles/ward and group up"
Had good positioning and dipped in and out of fights well

Whiffed two ults pretty bad, gotta remember resistances.
Jumped onto Garen blindly (who then spin to winned all over my face)
Got a little irritated with 0/3 Trynd for starting brawlers gloves

What I Learned
Shen is OP. First pick or Ban every game.
In a teamfight as Ranged Carry, don't fight the other ranged carry.  You may kill them, but its too risky and you won't live as long. Try and do the safest amount of constant DPS.
Everything freaking cancels Rocket Jump

That's all for this post! If you have any questions or comments, please comment here or contact me through Facebook or Twitter! If you want to see some full gameplays be sure to check out my Youtube. Click here to see my full gameplays on Youtube.

- Stay Classy and Keep Winning!

Nick "DoubleWinning" Gustafson  <-- FOLLOW ME GUYS :D


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