
Introduction to My Blog!

Hey guys its Nick and first off I'd like to thank you for checking out my new blog!  To start off if you have any questions, I ask you to go to my Facebook or Twitter.  Just give me a like or a follow and post your question or comment! I'll try and get back to you as soon as I can!  If its something you'd rather keep private, feel free to give toss me a email to my personal account  I'll also get to that as soon as I can!

So why should you bookmark or follow this blog?  First off its very easy! Just type in your email address and you'll be sent updates about blog posts I do!  I'll be sure not to spam your inbox as I almost will never post more than twice a day!  However, if you do follow my blog you'll be able to keep up with me and my thoughts on League of Legends.  This is stuff that I don't feel a video is needed for, or I'm not exactly sure.  The biggest part of these blog posts is I want input from YOU guys! So I 100% encourage you guys to respond to my posts through either the blog, facebook, or twitter!  I'm interested to see what you guys have to say!

What does my opinion really mean though? That's a fair point, I'm a Silver ELO player currently so why should you take advice from me?  Because I know what a lot of you guys are going through.  I've been in that wretched elo hell of the 1000s. One could argue that ELO hell never stops, it just gets less frequent.  I'm here to help you guys get out of there and start playing with people who actually know how to play the game.  Which in my opinion starts around the 1400 mark.

I'll keep you guys up to date with
  • Flavor of the Month NEW OP Strategies,
  • anaylsis from professional events, 
  • cool stuff I pick up on livestreams,
  •  weekly tips for assorted champions,
  •  patch note analysis,
  •  new weird viable builds on champions,
  •  team strategies,
  •  tips on how to improve your gameplay,
  •  tips on how to work with people on your team,
  •  detailed stats on my videos.
  •  and much much more!  
So why wouldn't you want to follow?  Still not convinced? How about free stuff?  Once I get my blog rolling and the viewers flowing, I'll be doing RP giveaways exclusive to my Blog followers! You really don't want to miss out on free stuff do you? I know I wouldn't!

So have I got you convinced?  Well then be sure to Bookmark, Favorite, or Subscribe! Whatever is the easiest and will remind you to check back here often! The easiest option I think is by putting your email in the bar I have to the side, don't worry I won't spam you!

Thanks for reading, be sure to check out these links!
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How to Beat Nasus Top + Other Videos I think You'll Like!


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