
RE: "Playing to Win 1: Secrets to get to 2,000 elo"

This is a reply to the above article. I highly recomend reading it, as it articulates what a lot of people have trouble with.  Basically it states that last hitting is the single most important part of farming GOLD in League of Legends. This is something that a lot of people in ELO Hell don't understand.  LeBlanc going 10-0 with 50 CS 20 minutes into game, isn't that much ahead of Gangplank with 150 CS and has a few assists.

The reason you kill someone is not for the gold, but to stop THEM from getting gold.  If they're dead, they can't farm!  You get experience, they don't, and if you can last hit properly, you start to build a lead that will eventually amount to an item of significant value.  So guys, if you can't hit 80 Last hits by 10:00, practice.



Go to bot games where you won't have to deal with harass.  Just work on your last hitting. 80 Last hits in 10 minutes should be a standard thing for you.  Getting that in an actual game is a bit more difficult, but you should still aim there.  Also, don't neglect creeps when mid/late game shows up!  Champion kills stay static, creeps don't! Their value goes UP!  You see top lane pushing to your tower? Don't let the tower eat up all that gold, go and farm it, push it out and make the enemy lose gold to their tower!

There are some champions in the game that are exceptional for this.  Champions I can lose lane and still end up winning the game because of their farm are Twisted Fate, Talon, Master Yi, Vladamir, Tryndamere, etc.  Just farm farm farm, and you'll become this beast when you get back to fights.  HAVE map awareness though, don't be farming when theres an objective going on (unless this is planned, Shen ult, TP, etc).

Anyway, enough of my post. Go check out the post on SK Gaming!

Also! I hit more than 500 Subscribers, so I'll be doing my RP GIVEAWAY on March 23rd.  If you need more information on that, check out this video!


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