
How to Get out of ELO Hell 101: Part 5

??? (7:35): i hate my ELO.....
   guy random locks in
   their team is all melee except for karthus
DoubleWinning (7:36): You only have 40~ ranked games. Unless you're an amazing player, it'll probably take around 100~ games to get to where your ELO should be at.
   So keep at it, never blame others for your loss.  Only focus on your own mistakes, when you can honestly say you never made a single mistake, all the while making plays
   and decisions for your team. Then you won't be in that ELO! :)
??? (7:38): i need to get out of ELO hell
DoubleWinning (7:39): You aren't in ELO Hell.
??? (7:39): i have not had a decent team in ages
DoubleWinning (7:40): You're also being placed against enemy teams of the same caliber.  Meaning you have to play above and beyond.  If you blame your team, you will NEVER get better.
   I was 1000~ elo Season 1.  Stopped blaming my team, learned from my mistakes, and I've gained 350 ELO. ELO hell is just a cop out.\

I ???'d out the person's name.  Put yourself in their shoes though, is that you? Well that's what I have to say about it.   Also I realize I was a bit of a douche in this, but it just frustrates me.


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