
Where Are My Videos?!


Where are my videos DoubleWinning?

Sorry guys, I was going to upload those videos (Fizz/Voli/etc) but with the recent graphics updates, it screwed up all my files so that everything is messed up with them. I'm really sorry guys. I'm probably about as upset as you guys are!

Xin Zhao buff incoming?

I'm not positive, but with a Xin Zhao free week, Xin Zhao going on sale, and talks of not nerfing champions just because "low elo" can't handle him smells like some Xin Zhao buffs coming! I would be so happy about this, maybe I should brush off my XIN ZHAO skills. If you guys haven't checked out some of my old Xin Zhao videos, check them out here: 1, 2, 3, 4!

Why the wait on videos?

If you're wondering why it takes me so long to get videos sometimes, its because I rarely have time to record. I have to wake up before anyone else in the house, and then wake myself up, and then record. Its just what I have to do and since its summer for the kids soon, its going to get harder. I'll find a solution sooner or later.

That's All For Now!

I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post. I tried a new format, takes a bit longer but I think it looks pretty. If you guys like it, be sure to leave a comment!  If you have any questions or comments about this post or anything at all, post here and I will get back to you!  As always, stay classy and keep winning! 



Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I add you on League of Legends?
If I have room, sure!

2. Can I play a game with you?
90% of the time, no.  I'm a busy guy but sometimes when I have time I'll accept.

3. Why don't you make more videos?
I don't have a lot of time in the day to record games due to background noise.

4. Do you make money off your videos?
Not right now, but when my partnership settles in, I will.

5. Can I spam you with messages?
Sure if you want to get deleted!

6. Can I do a video with you?
Possibly, I ask that you have had your channel for a while and put in a good amount of effort. I didn't get my first collaboration till I had ~1,000 Subscribers.

7. How do I get better at League?
Practice, research, consistency, and realizing and fixing your problems every game. Are there some games where you play perfect? No.  There's always something you could have done better. Try to focus not on what your teammates could have done better. There are some games you can't win, that is true. There is never a game where you can't walk away with some knowledge.

8. You're not even X Elo, why should I watch your videos?
I'm constantly learning and trying to get better, maybe you can use my knowledge better than I can.  I truly believe that if I had a more consistent playing schedule I'd be X+ elo.  Also, I like to think that my videos are informative and sometimes entertaining.

9. Why do you have a blog?
Its a way I can update you guys at all times.  If I have a small update, I'll tweet/facebook it. If I need help from you guys, I'll tweet/facebook it.  If I have bigger things I want to post, I'll blog it.

10. I have a question!
Either message me in game or email me! If you email me, you'll most likely get a better response. Its harder to get a reply on Youtube, since 95% is spam so I don't spend a lot of time checking which is not. 

Charity, Partnership, and Bears Oh My!

Make-a-Wish Jaximus Livestream

Hello winners, its DoubleWinning or Nick!  Sorry I haven't been updating my blog, I'll try and get at least a post out a week from now on, but sometimes life gets in the way.  Blogging is a good way to produce content for you guys without having to commentate, because its kind of hard with all the noise here sometimes.

First off, I want to say congratulations Summoners, we raised almost $500,000 for Make-A-Wish foundation! I would like to say that I had my little share it in with the video I made and encouraging all my friends to buy the skin. If you missed the video, be sure to click here! I'll be doing the livestream with viewers pretty soon, and whoever has proof they bought Jaximus will be able to get in on the action with us!

How do I get proof you ask? Well that's simple! Either you screen/video capped your purchase OR go to your purchase history and then take a picture of that! Why should you purchase Jax and or Jaximus? Here's a Jungle Jaximus gameplay you might enjoy!

Here's what it should look like:
Obviously it should have your summoner name :P
Then just make sure you're following me on Twitter or Like me on Facebook (which I assume if you're reading this, then you are!) and you'll be informed of when the livestream starts! I don't think I'll be streaming it myself, I'll probably have my friend do it since he can stream in HD! 

New Fizz Gameplay Commentary!

You guys have waited long enough! I'm sorry that I didn't rush out some Fizz videos when I got him, but because of your patience, I got the Fisherman Fizz skin so it'll make the video oh so much better!  The video is in Spectator mode format, so I don't know how I'm going to commentate it, but we'll see! The video will not disappoint, because I think I'm getting pretty good at Fizz and boy is he fun! So when that video is live, click here for the video! 

Partnership for DoubleWinning?

Holy talking in third person Batman!  In all seriousness though, I'm going to get my channel partnered!  What does this mean? Before I could monetize my videos on youtube, and I got a little money for my videos.  However, there were a whole MESS of problems that I'd stopped even bothering to monetize some of them!  With this new partnership with TGN ( I'll be able to make money and not have to worry about issues!  It also means that I'll be able to have thumbnails for my videos, I might be able to get a decent GFX artist (rather than just me doing simple edits in paint) and I can raise money for you guys!  

I'm not selling out or anything, things are still business as usual.  I still plan on uploading non-league videos, I've just been practicing my Let's Play abilities.  I'm not quite sure what game I want to do first. Dark Souls was a bust because my roommate sold it.  So if you guys have any suggestions, I'm all ears! 
Bear Bear Bear Bear Bear Bear BEAR

Bear With Me For Some Volibear Gameplay!

I've got a pretty good Volibear gameplay in the archives, I'm not quite sure if I wanna post it though. I might use it for another Life Commentary if you guys would be interested in that. I say that because it wasn't really a difficult game.  It was mostly just me... well being a BEAR.  You can't bear waiting for a Volibear video? Check out my old one!  I'm sure you can't bear anymore of these terrible puns.  So I'll wrap this up! 

That's All For Now!

I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post. I tried a new format, takes a bit longer but I think it looks pretty. If you guys like it, be sure to leave a comment!  If you have any questions or comments about this post or anything at all, post here and I will get back to you!  As always, stay classy and keep winning! 
