
Where Are My Videos?!

Where are my videos DoubleWinning?

Sorry guys, I was going to upload those videos (Fizz/Voli/etc) but with the recent graphics updates, it screwed up all my files so that everything is messed up with them. I'm really sorry guys. I'm probably about as upset as you guys are!

Xin Zhao buff incoming?

I'm not positive, but with a Xin Zhao free week, Xin Zhao going on sale, and talks of not nerfing champions just because "low elo" can't handle him smells like some Xin Zhao buffs coming! I would be so happy about this, maybe I should brush off my XIN ZHAO skills. If you guys haven't checked out some of my old Xin Zhao videos, check them out here: 1, 2, 3, 4!

Why the wait on videos?

If you're wondering why it takes me so long to get videos sometimes, its because I rarely have time to record. I have to wake up before anyone else in the house, and then wake myself up, and then record. Its just what I have to do and since its summer for the kids soon, its going to get harder. I'll find a solution sooner or later.

That's All For Now!

I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post. I tried a new format, takes a bit longer but I think it looks pretty. If you guys like it, be sure to leave a comment!  If you have any questions or comments about this post or anything at all, post here and I will get back to you!  As always, stay classy and keep winning! 



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