
Lee Sin Nerf Needed to Calm the God-Tier Junglers

As you may have seen in the recent Patch Preview, our favorite Blind Monk; Lee Sin will be getting a nerf.  This has been a pattern with the God-Tier junglers as of late, even the pseudo God-Tier jungler asshole Shaco.  So what's this going to do to the new jungling meta? I'd like to say that it'll introduce some new top dogs in the jungle, but to be real it'll probably just mesh some together.

Skarner got nerfed, but it wasn't a nerf to how good he was.  It literally just made it so you couldn't spam your skills anymore.  Simply change play style a little bit and you almost don't notice the change. Skarner is still Tier 1.

Shaco got his boxes nerfed, making them last 60 seconds instead of 90.  From what I know you can no longer do the assy camp boxes at Red and then go gank a lane before they hit level 2.  However, Shaco is still a good jungler, but the counters to him still stand.  Since he can't just be a huge asshole anymore, he should be able to be outplayed.

Udyr got sort of an indirect nerf.  However in my mind I think people don't see him as much of a threat as Lee Sin and Skarner, which is a mistake in my opinion.  Not many champions have a similiar "I can kite 5 enemy champions for days" status that late-game Udyr does.  The removal of dodge and thus the removal of dodge on his Monkey Stance was a small nerf, but noticable.  It will make you come out of the jungle with less health, and give you less of an advantage against auto attack champions.  I still see Udyr as an easy Tier 1 jungler. 

So that leaves us with Lee Sin.  Similar to Udyr and Skarner where their damage may fall off late game, their ability to constantly disrupt the fight, tank incredible amounts of damage, and provide amazing ganks early game is what makes them tier 1 junglers.  I think Lee Sin's nerfs will make his jungling a little slower and his damage a little lower.  Because of this I don't think he'll really lose that much favor. Why?  Lee Sin is about his kit.  He has a great kit.  It is very hard to have a bad kit when you have 4+ usable good skills.  Lee Sin also has a huge skill gap that allows great players to really shine and poor players not to be carried by him being a good champion.  His kit allows you to be a good player, not necessarily his stats. Yes if he got his numbers nerfed to the ground he would suck, but that won't happen.

Who do I think will been seen more in the top junglers? I think Rammus and Nocturne will be getting a lot of love soon.  Rammus has been good for a long time and people just seem to forget that he has some of the easiest ganks.  Nocturne post-6 has a few combinations with champions that make his ganks almost unavoidable and basically impossible to ward.  More situational junglers that I think will succeed are Malphite (good counter to the 3 AD meta), Shyvanna (M5 M5 M5), and Trundle.

That's all for this post, I hope you guys learned some! If you have any questions or comments, please comment here or contact me through Facebook or Twitter! If you want to see some full gameplays be sure to check out my Youtube.  I'll be posting a lot of full game plays pretty soon, so be sure to subscribe! In an unrelated note though, click here to see an Anivia save my ass from a Rammus!

- Stay Classy and Keep Winning!

Nick "DoubleWinning" Gustafson 

How to Get out Of ELO Hell 101: Part 2

Welcome to ELO Hell 101, I'm Nick and I'll be here to teach you how to get out of ELO Hell.  Whether it takes two days or two months, I'll do my very best to walk you through my best tips and tricks for carrying yourself out of ELO Hell and into at least Bronze rating.  I myself found that once I was at least Bronze I felt a lot less self conscious about my rating (not that you should care, its League of Legends) and was able to more enjoy the game.  Do I still rage at ELO HELL TERROR and all that? Yes. That's not going to go away, however you can do a few things to significantly lower your raging. 

So welcome to class, ELO Hell 101. 

Have you read Lesson 1 yet? If not click How to Get out of ELO Hell 101: Part 1.

Lesson 2: Fine Tune Mechanical Skills
A lot of people tell you "don't rage at your teammates" and "don't die in lane" and other really basic advice (which I'll cover later more extensively).  However, there's one thing that they seem to forget to cover.  That is actually tuning your mechanical skills of the game.  So if you want to improve your skills and allow you to get out of ELO Hell, fine tune your mechanical skills.

#1: Last hitting is better than champion kills.  Creep kills are worth (on average) about 25 gold.  Some are worth more than others, but average it all out and you'll hit around 25.  Their gold amount goes up as time continues in the game. Give or take. Champion kills are 300 gold and they go down if they're not getting kills or assists.  A wave of creeps has 6 creeps, with a Siege Minion coming every 3 waves. (every 2 waves after 20 minutes) If you do the math, that's 150 gold a wave.  Or about half a champion kill.  If you're harassing instead of farming, it adds up quick.  By the time you've got got the damage done to kill the opponent, you coulda farmed it all a lot safer!  

#2: Calculate trades and harass. This comes with knowing champion knowledge, so it kind of helps if you learn one lane at a time.  Like me, I know Top lanes and Ranged AD stats super well, but ask me for specifics on AP Carries and I struggle.  Why? I don't play AP Mid.  What does it mean to calculate trades?  When you both hit each other, what will be the end result?  Can you force him to either hit you or lose a last hit?  That is the perfect time to harass.  NOT if you will lose a last hit!  This is where range advantage really helps, because you can sometimes hit and scoot back and they waste time running up to hit you, possibly setting up other plays.

#3: Itemizing properly: This is something that I see a lot of people mess up on and its a super easy fix.  If you're playing Top Lane or Mid lane, and sometimes bot lane, COUNTER your opponent!  What does that mean?  Some people think its an ass move, but if you're top lane against a Trynd or a Gangplank and you're struggling? Buy a chain vest.  Going mid and your early game is a bit difficult?  Buy a negatron and turn it into a Abyssal later.  The defense will literally shut them down for their early game dominance/bullying.  This includes your starting items!  If you're going top and its a HEAVY harass Physical champion, consider a Doran's Shield or a Cloth Armor with five health pots.  Boots with 3 health pots is if you naturally beat your opponent and want to be able to push your lane.  Why? So you can get your ass out of there when you're ganked, which WILL happen if you push your lane too much.

#4: Learn skill sets: This one is simple to learn and a bit harder to master on some champions.  Some champions have a very simple QWQEQQ etc order of leveling up skills.  However, some champions you have to learn what you want to do.  Take Master Yi as an example, why would you grab meditate at all if you're not getting harassed?  However, if you need to stay in lane to farm a lot, consider 2 points in Meditate.  Or if you want to push really hard to you can pull back and farm fast, level your Q first.  Are you skirmishing often? Level your Wuju style. *I don't recommend Master Yi in lane, he has a lot of troubles at higher ELOs, however Jungle Yi is quite good.  Another step of this is knowing how much your skills will do.  I'll use Master Yi as my example again.  You alpha strike your opponent for 100 Magic Damage, auto attack for 60(+15 Wuju Passive) , maybe get another auto attack in.  That's 250(100+75+75) damage before armor/magic resist.  How could knowing Yi's skills help you out more?
What if you activated Wuju Style and it was Level 1?
Alpha = 100
Auto Attacks + Wuju = (60+30)*2 = 180
300 damage instead of 280!  All because you activated Wuju style!
However, what about timing your double strike WITH your Wuju Style? Attack creeps until you're around 6 stacks, or you have your double strike ready.  I prefer having 6 stacks because I jump on them and it doesn't double strike so they're less likely to flash away, allowing my double strike to sometimes get the killing blow.
Alpha = 100

Auto Attacks = 60 *2 = 120
Wuju = 30*2 = 60
Double Strike = 60
Double Strike's Wuju = 30
100 + 120 + 60 + 60 + 30 = 370! WOW! 
That's some serious kill potential there.  Plus if they don't get out immediatly, you can probably land another attack or two.  This is a really useful combo for harassing. 

#5: Know mana costs. A quick note that follows whats written above.  Know your mana costs (if you have them) because its really embarrassing when you go for a combo and you don't have the mana.  Don't spam skills, always have your escape/killing combo! This goes for knowing the opponent's costs too!  Don't stay in lane if they can kill you at any time! This allows them to zone you out of CS or just kill you!

That's all for this post, I hope you guys learned some! If you have any questions or comments, please comment here or contact me through Facebook or Twitter! If you want to see some full gameplays be sure to check out my Youtube.  I'll be posting a lot of full game plays pretty soon, so be sure to subscribe! In an unrelated note though, click here to see an Anivia save my ass from a Rammus!

- Stay Classy and Keep Winning!

Nick "DoubleWinning" Gustafson 

How to Get out Of ELO Hell 101: Part 1

Welcome to ELO Hell 101, I'm Nick and I'll be here to teach you how to get out of ELO Hell.  Whether it takes two days or two months, I'll do my very best to walk you through my best tips and tricks for carrying yourself out of ELO Hell and into at least Bronze rating.  I myself found that once I was at least Bronze I felt a lot less self conscious about my rating (not that you should care, its League of Legends) and was able to more enjoy the game.  Do I still rage at ELO HELL TERROR and all that? Yes. That's not going to go away, however you can do a few things to significantly lower your raging.

So welcome to class, ELO Hell 101.

Lesson 1: Find a Duo Queue Partner
Before it used to be sort of taboo to have a duo queue partner, because it was "Solo Queue" and people frowned upon it.  However, with the new implementation of "Solo/Duo Queue" as the title, it is no longer frowned upon.  There are a few things you want from your Duo partner though.
#1: Know the person relatively well. Why do I say this? First off it allows you to have good contact with the person.  So that way you can always be like "Hey broseidon, king of the brocean leggo" and bam you guys are queue'd up!  However, also it helps to have a duo queue partner to coordinate in game!  In a perfect world, before the game starts up the whole team hops in Vent/Skype/etc and then the Solo Queue turns into more of a 5-man Ranked team.  Still, having someone you can coordinate with makes things a lot easier.  Use this to your advantage!
#2: Know each other's strengths and weakness. This one kind of is similar to #1, but its mainly for two reasons.  One is simply so they can help you secure a role.  If that means you are the WORST AP Mid, your buddy can take AP Mid even if its his 2nd best just so you're not stuck with it.  It also allows more sway if he's first pick and he can first pick you a champion.  Secondly, if he knows you're not this godly Wukong or Brand or Caitlyn, he won't rage at you.  If you just queue up with some guy you DESTROYED as Graves in a solo queue and play Kog'maw and don't do as hot, he's probably gonna judge you a little.  However, if you knew him a bit better, wouldn't be that problem.  That way you don't have to stress about it!
#3: Be within 100 ELO. But wouldn't it be so fun to queue with your 1500 friend when you're 1000? Not for the other people, plus you're probably gonna get stomped.  Why? Because its gonna put you around the 1300-1400 bracket.  Its a douchey move that messes with the matchmaking.  I'll admit I have played with my 1100 friend while I was 1300, but then I found myself playing a lot worse when I got to my actual ELO.
#4: Play complementing roles. Since you'll be communicating with each other, use that to your advantage!  What does that mean?  Majority of the time, you want your Duo partner to be able to jungle (or you can jungle and they can take lane) because then it doesn't matter which lane you are.  Another option is to play a mid or top that can easily gank top or mid respectively.  That way you guys can coordinate jungle ganks, lane ganks, call missings much easier.  I don't recommend playing support/ranged ad and then your friend playing top. However, if top takes teleport the concept still works when ganking bottom or taking dragons. A last resort but I do not recomend always is to play the two bot lane champions.  Many people do this, and you'll most likely win your lane against two people that aren't duo, however the problem is that you only have control over one lane.  Yes you can gank other lanes, but leaving bot to gank before your get your tower is very difficult to gank.

That's all for this post, I hope you guys learned some! If you have any questions or comments, please comment here or contact me through Facebook or Twitter!  If you want to see an example of me using a Duo Partner to control Top Lane and Jungle, click Here!

Nick "DoubleWinning" Gustafson

Introduction to My Blog!

Hey guys its Nick and first off I'd like to thank you for checking out my new blog!  To start off if you have any questions, I ask you to go to my Facebook or Twitter.  Just give me a like or a follow and post your question or comment! I'll try and get back to you as soon as I can!  If its something you'd rather keep private, feel free to give toss me a email to my personal account  I'll also get to that as soon as I can!

So why should you bookmark or follow this blog?  First off its very easy! Just type in your email address and you'll be sent updates about blog posts I do!  I'll be sure not to spam your inbox as I almost will never post more than twice a day!  However, if you do follow my blog you'll be able to keep up with me and my thoughts on League of Legends.  This is stuff that I don't feel a video is needed for, or I'm not exactly sure.  The biggest part of these blog posts is I want input from YOU guys! So I 100% encourage you guys to respond to my posts through either the blog, facebook, or twitter!  I'm interested to see what you guys have to say!

What does my opinion really mean though? That's a fair point, I'm a Silver ELO player currently so why should you take advice from me?  Because I know what a lot of you guys are going through.  I've been in that wretched elo hell of the 1000s. One could argue that ELO hell never stops, it just gets less frequent.  I'm here to help you guys get out of there and start playing with people who actually know how to play the game.  Which in my opinion starts around the 1400 mark.

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  •  new weird viable builds on champions,
  •  team strategies,
  •  tips on how to improve your gameplay,
  •  tips on how to work with people on your team,
  •  detailed stats on my videos.
  •  and much much more!  
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