
RP Giveaway?

In case you guys have been under a rock, I'm doing an RP Giveaway on March 23rd!  This is mostly a celebration to my fans and such, but its also to solidify that I'd like to be doing this a lot more.  I love making videos, I love playing games, and I love creating commentary (whether text or vocal) and you guys have supported me and I think you deserve some love too!  So how do you get in on this FREE RP?

You'll have to be subscribed to me on Youtube (

Then you'll have to either follow me on Twitter (
Like me on Facebook (

Then on March 23rd 10PM PST, at I'll be livestreaming and during that I'll be doing a RP Giveaway! I'm not sure how much I'll be giving away. At least two $10 RP Cards. If I get a big turn out I'll give out more!

If you would like to help me financially with this give away by donating, email me at with the subject "Giveaway Support".  Thanks guys, stay classy and keep winning!


Seavmeng said...

is it still valid now?

Nick said...

Yes, giveaway starts in 1 hour!

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