
Livestream Feb 10th

You guys missed a good livestream, but if you'd like to know what happened here's the recap!

^Taken directly from my match history. 

First game Tryndamere had a bit of trouble with a Renekton.  I was winning in farm, I had a kill on him, however I wasn't dominating him. If you want to raise your ELO and not take chances, you have to destroy your lane and carry potential baddies. I didn't because Trundle came up three times (only once for a good reason) and because of that he didn't spend much time counter-jungling or in other lanes.  Did I ask him to? No. However if I would have been winning my lane harder and communicated better than it could have been fixed.  Bot lane lost pretty bad and we got to end game where we didn't have much coordination so I was barely able to stay in the fight. It was mostly me coming in a little late (to avoid CCs) still getting focused and then having to QSS, ult, and try and get out to heal.  Ended up in a loss, kind of a sucky start but its whatever!

To a comeback victory with GP (1-3 beat in lane against an Irelia as GP) came back 8-4-15 GP GIVES NO FUCKS
Second game I was playing Gangplank top and the enemy team picked Irelia.  I was worried because Irelia is still kinda foggy to me.  She's super good and hyper carry late game and worst of all my Gangplank isn't very strong. Definately need to work on him solo top because I know he's super strong, I just play him wrong.  This was a good learning experience though, because if read one of my older posts you'll know about the game with GP where I got pooped on by a Riven.   Almost the same thing, Irelia was up 3 kills to my 1, but I was out CSing her and I had assists from my ult.  So she was up in gold, but I knew if I played right and didn't feed her any more we'd be fine. So I gave up my tower(told my team I was gonna and why) and started freezing the creep wave near my 2nd tier tower.  Then when she left my lane I'd push it out hard and do work on her tower, leaving her out on CS and XP.  

We got a SUPER clutch teamfight where we caught them all coming out of a bush trying to gank and Mummy ulted and I ulted at the same time.  We picked off their Ashe and Ziggs and made work of the Irelia, Maokai and Sona.  We only lost one of our champs and it really brought our morale back up.  Especially me since I picked up a double kill and started tanking up since I had my Triforce.  
More teamfights that were in our favor and well timed dragons,barons, and pushes and we got the victory. I thanked my team for the carry and was constantly encouraging them for doing so well in the game.  And guess what?

I was granted a great game from LoL Karma (no not the champion!) and I DESTROYED a game with Graves.  It was a real fun game to watch.  First pick wanted Ranged AD (I called top or ranged, someone took top so I asked for top).  First pick grabbed Graves and said he was gonna be Ranged.  I asked if he could be a bro and let me and he said yeah of course, grab me Sona.  It was so awesome and I didn't let him down! We were against Corki Soraka and we ended up getting a CLUTCH double kill first blood (both for me) when it looked like Sona had gotten gibbed.  She used summoner heal and ended up getting away with 30hp and while they were stabbing at her I killed both of them.  It was a steam roll from there and a 20 minute surrender. 

However we all know what happens when you get a good team? You've got to get a bad team next.  But like I've said, win 11/20 games; gain ELO.  I was duo-queueing with my friend Noodlescoop who has around 100 ELO less than me, so almost always its gonna be me first pick and him last pick. I don't really like it because it limits me usually to jungle or support to avoid counter pick.  I picked Wukong as a way to confuse the enemy team into picking a counter pick for Wukong.  I was actually jungling as Wukong!  Then we got a Teemo top against Garen which was fine.  However, then it was Pantheon Leona bottom, which meant I'd have to go there a lot or else their kill lane would be useless.  Then it was Noodlescoop as Xerath against Swain mid.  

Shyvanna counter jungled me hard taking my wraiths and red while 4-man ganking with mid on bottom.  They got first blood and I was a little worried.  So I jungled without blue and got a lot of successful ganks bot (Leona + Pantheon super kill lane, success!) but they were doing a poor job CSing, so the kills were actually only making it even.  I didn't even go top once because it was even CS and Teemo up 1 kill on Garen basically the whole game.  Shyvanna would walk into a mushroom and then give up. 

I ended up getting crazy amounts of assists from my ganks then after some rocky teamfights (2 for 3, 3 for 2, etc) we started gaining advantage.  Then I had a great call where they went for dragon while we were top, so we bum rushed baron, they came to fight, we killed, got baron and pushed to win basically.  Towards the end I was trying SO hard to kill steal, but Pantheon was getting all the kills.  Thus my 0-2-16 game as Wukong.  However, I did build basically tank with Giant's Belt, Negatron, Wriggles, Boots, Phage(either Triforce or Frozen Mallet depending on what team needed) so I didn't really expect many kills.  Just surprising I didn't get any! 

Then the last game was almost the opposite!  I went top lane against a Garen as Tryndamere and Lee Sin quickly got first blood on the Garen.  After that I just pushed and harassed, knowing that a Mocking Shouted Judgment would do less damage than me if I was full rage.  I was right and we started trading and he was losing. I outplayed him a few times by making him chase me through creeps, drawing lots of minion aggro.  Eventually I shut him down once I got wriggles, netting two kills already. I was always warded and the one time I wasn't I got away with Ghost (I'm really like Ghost Exhaust on Tryndamere). My creep score was 100 more than Garen by the end of the game.  I was also pushing so hard without taking tower (to deny Garen) that I made plays to steal their blue for our mid twice, farmed TONS of double golems and their wolves, and basically shut down top lane.  This allowed my team to 4v4 knowing that I was getting SUPER farmed.

Everytime I had Red Lizard Buff it forced Garen to be shut down because my Phantom Dancer made it so he had to either commit to a fight (and die) or be completely zoned out.  They sent Ryze, Caitylnn, Shyvanna top a few times to try and stop me and I just kited and survived.  The one time I died was a good play by the enemy team where they literally shut me down (before I got my QSS) with a Taric stun ontop of a Cait trap into a Ryze snare.  After I got QSS though I just ripped through their team.

That was the last game I livestreamed and I really enjoyed it!  I gained some followers, however, if you haven't followed me yet be sure to click the link below and do so! That way you can join me while I livestream! Thanks guys. 

That's all for this post, I hope you guys learned some! If you have any questions or comments, please comment here or contact me through Facebook or Twitter! If you want to see some full gameplays be sure to check out my Youtube.  I'll be posting a lot of full game plays pretty soon, so be sure to subscribe! In an unrelated note though, click here to see my full gameplays on Youtube.

- Stay Classy and Keep Winning!

Nick "DoubleWinning" Gustafson 


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