
Livestream Feb 23rd

Pretty fun livestream, hopefully I'll catch more of you guys next time!

Game 1
Tristana 0-6-0

None really

I had terrible last hitting, every lane lost including mine, I died to Talon/Lee Sin ganks
Lost morale and basically just played dumb last 4 deaths because the game was already 2-15 with every dragon theirs and all out towers gone

What to work on
Last hitting and putting more pressure on Enemy, find more openings.


Game 2
Shyvanna 4-2-6

Counter jungled Nocturne early, was able to grab his red but not quite fast enough so that he didn't notice
Had good dragon timers except last which was off by like 45 seconds
Had good wards to prevent counter jungling
Stopped half their blues
If lane has good CC, easy ganks (Annie stun OP)

Not using health potions early while fighting, coulda saved life
Using smite knowing dragon/baron
Need to communicate better with team when objectives are up

What to work on
Keep more timers and communicate with team about them


Game 3
Graves 3-2-6

Pushed Caitlynn well so that I out CS'd her
Kept good dragons again so we controlled them no problem
Support sucked but I carried her jk

Kept running out of mana, consider Mana Regen for a push lane/use soraka instead of Sona
Invaded red without wardage, got caught and pooped on, need to pay attention to lanes if i'm going to make a big play hero mode

What to work on
Paying attention to lanes so I can make big plays


Game 4
Talon 7-6-13

Incredible Dragon/Baron control
Farmed well enough to matter late game
Ganked pretty well with Boots 5, shoulda got Mercs though

Got jewed early by Lee Sin and Vlad having <50 HP (DAMN YOU LEE SIN SHIELD!)
Got rocked by Vlad in lane, feeding a little
Died too much early

What to work on
Getting double kills while under pressure aka turn and burn better
Switch lanes earlier if needed
Pay more attention to what boots to get

Started: 1290
ELO: 1329

That's all for this post, this is the format I will be using for LIvestream recaps from now on!  If you have any questions or comments, please comment here or contact me through Facebook or Twitter! If you want to see some full gameplays be sure to check out my Youtube.  I'll be posting a lot of full game plays pretty soon, so be sure to subscribe! In an unrelated note though, click here to see my full gameplays on Youtube.

- Stay Classy and Keep Winning!

Nick "DoubleWinning" Gustafson <--- FOLLOW SO YOU DON'T MISS A LIVESTREAM! :)


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