
New Heartseeker Vayne Skin

New Valentine's Vayne Skin was released!  I won't get all angsty and emo and talk about how this depresses me cause I can't see my girlfriend and that's why I won't buy it.  In fact, I wish I could buy it: but I already spent all my RP.  I do find it funny that they developed this really nice looking skin after nerfing her so hard.  I do think that Vayne is still a viable pick, just not the dominating AD force she used to be.

Then I look closer and see that FUCKING BITCH KILLED MUNDO! Otherwise, she hit him with a "cupid's arrow" type and thing.. well when that's just some kinky cartoon shit that I won't get into.  Rule 34 anyone?

In case you guys didn't know, this was more of a fun post, just reminding you to have a good Valentine's day.  You don't need to be in a relationship to like Valentine's day, just like just because you're in one doesn't mean you don't like it!  Take a moment out of your time to show people you appreciate them.  Then, try and continue to do that more than just on the holidays.  But this is a League blog, so I'll cut this short here!

That's all for this post! If you have any questions or comments, please comment here or contact me through Facebook or Twitter! If you want to see some full gameplays be sure to check out my Youtube. Click here to see my full gameplays on Youtube.

- Stay Classy and Keep Winning!

Nick "DoubleWinning" Gustafson 


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