
Xin Zhao Rework Incoming!

Xin Zhao Buffs
Xin Zhao Rework
You heard that right!  Xin Zhao is getting a rework! I called this a while ago (a few posts back) and I'm so happy to see this coming!  If you want proof, click here for the Red Post.

Or if you don't want to click the link, here is a quote!
It's been a while since I gave an update on this.... so...

He's close. I'm in the stage of balancing numbers on him now and barring setbacks he should be ready to go soon(tm) [but prob not real soon(tm)]

Keep the faith Xin fans! The end of the wait is near! (Crosses fingers)
So I don't know about you guys, but I'm so excited.  Xin Zhao was my favorite champion for a long time (replaced by Mr. URF Fizz Man) and it sucks that he's not all that viable.  Fun fact I've won my last 8 games I've played with Xin Zhao. If you want to see how big of a fan I am of Xin Zhao, check out my Xin Zhao videos!

My Life In "ELO Hell"

ELO Hell
How to Get out of ELO Hell

How to Get Out of ELO Hell
Chapter 1: <1000 ELO

A lot of people come to me and ask me, how do I get out of ELO Hell? It often makes me laugh because I don't really believe people know what "ELO Hell" is.  Generally the consensus is that ELO Hell is where you get trolled in ranked. Some even put it to the extreme that you cannot get out of ELO Hell, due to people being SO BAD or SO TROLLY that you cannot possibly carry yourself out.

I'm sitting comfortably around the 1,350-1,400 Bracket. If I had a more consistent schedule I'd probably be around 1,450.  Do I believe in ELO Hell? No. However, I still believe I can help people by telling them my story of ELO Hell.  My chronicle of how I got from my first twenty or thirty ranked games to where I am now.

When I first started playing ranked, I was bad. I didn't have the right rune pages, I hadn't mastered any champions, and I didn't really know how to win.  So my placement matches ended up throwing me into around 900 ELO.  This was embarassing for me, since most of my friends were around 1,400 (now they're 2k haha) and so I decided I wanted to do something about it.

Mistake #1 was not playing consistently enough. I would play ranked every 3 days or so, just one solo queue game and usually lose.  I would get SO worked up about playing that it messed with my game.  Then when I made mistakes (which I made tons, I was freaking 900 ELO) I got even more frustrated.  What did I play?  I played top and jungle, playing anything with a sword or spear. Xin Zhao, Master Yi, Pantheon, Tryndamere, Garen.  I did find some success with Gangplank jungle right after his deny rework (his jungle was stupid good back then).  So that really left me with 2 roles. I couldn't play ranged AD because I didn't understand the mechanics of last hitting, harassing, pushing, pulling, holding, etc. I absolutely couldn't play AP mid. The one time being when I played Vlad and went 6-9. (Mind you in lane that was like 1-4) If I played more I probably would have done better.

So how do I help you?  If you are going to play ranked, after you've mastered at least 1 champion for each role, play consistently. At least twice a day.  Master 5, and be good with 5 more.  Some champions can play dual roles, so those are good. Examples of good dual role champions are:
Kennen Top/Mid/ Sometimes even AD Carry. (Personally, I hate all Kennen players: sorry!)
Vlad Top/Mid
Just about any bruiser can go Jungle/Top and any Sustain/Escapeable AP can go Top/Mid!

So what would be a great line-up to learn going into ranked right now? (June 28th~)
Master: Kennen for Top/Mid (Kennen can and will hard carry games and has a easy laning phase)
Vlad for Top/Mid (If your team lacks damage and you don't need more CC, his ult gives your team all the damage they need!)
Udyr or Lee Sin for jungle/top. They are spectacular heroes that you really can't go wrong with. Lee Sin is very early game dominate, while Udyr is a very safe bet.
Ashe/Varus if you need more CC/Initiate. Graves/Vayne for Damage. Tristana/Kog'Maw if your team has a good frontline.
Soraka/Alistar. Passive and Aggressive supports.

Of course this is just a general suggested list. With this list hopefully you can get out of elo hell. If you have any questions, feel free to comment on this post or get a hold of me through

Where Are My Videos?!


Where are my videos DoubleWinning?

Sorry guys, I was going to upload those videos (Fizz/Voli/etc) but with the recent graphics updates, it screwed up all my files so that everything is messed up with them. I'm really sorry guys. I'm probably about as upset as you guys are!

Xin Zhao buff incoming?

I'm not positive, but with a Xin Zhao free week, Xin Zhao going on sale, and talks of not nerfing champions just because "low elo" can't handle him smells like some Xin Zhao buffs coming! I would be so happy about this, maybe I should brush off my XIN ZHAO skills. If you guys haven't checked out some of my old Xin Zhao videos, check them out here: 1, 2, 3, 4!

Why the wait on videos?

If you're wondering why it takes me so long to get videos sometimes, its because I rarely have time to record. I have to wake up before anyone else in the house, and then wake myself up, and then record. Its just what I have to do and since its summer for the kids soon, its going to get harder. I'll find a solution sooner or later.

That's All For Now!

I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post. I tried a new format, takes a bit longer but I think it looks pretty. If you guys like it, be sure to leave a comment!  If you have any questions or comments about this post or anything at all, post here and I will get back to you!  As always, stay classy and keep winning! 



Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I add you on League of Legends?
If I have room, sure!

2. Can I play a game with you?
90% of the time, no.  I'm a busy guy but sometimes when I have time I'll accept.

3. Why don't you make more videos?
I don't have a lot of time in the day to record games due to background noise.

4. Do you make money off your videos?
Not right now, but when my partnership settles in, I will.

5. Can I spam you with messages?
Sure if you want to get deleted!

6. Can I do a video with you?
Possibly, I ask that you have had your channel for a while and put in a good amount of effort. I didn't get my first collaboration till I had ~1,000 Subscribers.

7. How do I get better at League?
Practice, research, consistency, and realizing and fixing your problems every game. Are there some games where you play perfect? No.  There's always something you could have done better. Try to focus not on what your teammates could have done better. There are some games you can't win, that is true. There is never a game where you can't walk away with some knowledge.

8. You're not even X Elo, why should I watch your videos?
I'm constantly learning and trying to get better, maybe you can use my knowledge better than I can.  I truly believe that if I had a more consistent playing schedule I'd be X+ elo.  Also, I like to think that my videos are informative and sometimes entertaining.

9. Why do you have a blog?
Its a way I can update you guys at all times.  If I have a small update, I'll tweet/facebook it. If I need help from you guys, I'll tweet/facebook it.  If I have bigger things I want to post, I'll blog it.

10. I have a question!
Either message me in game or email me! If you email me, you'll most likely get a better response. Its harder to get a reply on Youtube, since 95% is spam so I don't spend a lot of time checking which is not. 

Charity, Partnership, and Bears Oh My!

Make-a-Wish Jaximus Livestream

Hello winners, its DoubleWinning or Nick!  Sorry I haven't been updating my blog, I'll try and get at least a post out a week from now on, but sometimes life gets in the way.  Blogging is a good way to produce content for you guys without having to commentate, because its kind of hard with all the noise here sometimes.

First off, I want to say congratulations Summoners, we raised almost $500,000 for Make-A-Wish foundation! I would like to say that I had my little share it in with the video I made and encouraging all my friends to buy the skin. If you missed the video, be sure to click here! I'll be doing the livestream with viewers pretty soon, and whoever has proof they bought Jaximus will be able to get in on the action with us!

How do I get proof you ask? Well that's simple! Either you screen/video capped your purchase OR go to your purchase history and then take a picture of that! Why should you purchase Jax and or Jaximus? Here's a Jungle Jaximus gameplay you might enjoy!

Here's what it should look like:
Obviously it should have your summoner name :P
Then just make sure you're following me on Twitter or Like me on Facebook (which I assume if you're reading this, then you are!) and you'll be informed of when the livestream starts! I don't think I'll be streaming it myself, I'll probably have my friend do it since he can stream in HD! 

New Fizz Gameplay Commentary!

You guys have waited long enough! I'm sorry that I didn't rush out some Fizz videos when I got him, but because of your patience, I got the Fisherman Fizz skin so it'll make the video oh so much better!  The video is in Spectator mode format, so I don't know how I'm going to commentate it, but we'll see! The video will not disappoint, because I think I'm getting pretty good at Fizz and boy is he fun! So when that video is live, click here for the video! 

Partnership for DoubleWinning?

Holy talking in third person Batman!  In all seriousness though, I'm going to get my channel partnered!  What does this mean? Before I could monetize my videos on youtube, and I got a little money for my videos.  However, there were a whole MESS of problems that I'd stopped even bothering to monetize some of them!  With this new partnership with TGN ( I'll be able to make money and not have to worry about issues!  It also means that I'll be able to have thumbnails for my videos, I might be able to get a decent GFX artist (rather than just me doing simple edits in paint) and I can raise money for you guys!  

I'm not selling out or anything, things are still business as usual.  I still plan on uploading non-league videos, I've just been practicing my Let's Play abilities.  I'm not quite sure what game I want to do first. Dark Souls was a bust because my roommate sold it.  So if you guys have any suggestions, I'm all ears! 
Bear Bear Bear Bear Bear Bear BEAR

Bear With Me For Some Volibear Gameplay!

I've got a pretty good Volibear gameplay in the archives, I'm not quite sure if I wanna post it though. I might use it for another Life Commentary if you guys would be interested in that. I say that because it wasn't really a difficult game.  It was mostly just me... well being a BEAR.  You can't bear waiting for a Volibear video? Check out my old one!  I'm sure you can't bear anymore of these terrible puns.  So I'll wrap this up! 

That's All For Now!

I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post. I tried a new format, takes a bit longer but I think it looks pretty. If you guys like it, be sure to leave a comment!  If you have any questions or comments about this post or anything at all, post here and I will get back to you!  As always, stay classy and keep winning! 


How to Get out of ELO Hell 101: Part 5


??? (7:35): i hate my ELO.....
   guy random locks in
   their team is all melee except for karthus
DoubleWinning (7:36): You only have 40~ ranked games. Unless you're an amazing player, it'll probably take around 100~ games to get to where your ELO should be at.
   So keep at it, never blame others for your loss.  Only focus on your own mistakes, when you can honestly say you never made a single mistake, all the while making plays
   and decisions for your team. Then you won't be in that ELO! :)
??? (7:38): i need to get out of ELO hell
DoubleWinning (7:39): You aren't in ELO Hell.
??? (7:39): i have not had a decent team in ages
DoubleWinning (7:40): You're also being placed against enemy teams of the same caliber.  Meaning you have to play above and beyond.  If you blame your team, you will NEVER get better.
   I was 1000~ elo Season 1.  Stopped blaming my team, learned from my mistakes, and I've gained 350 ELO. ELO hell is just a cop out.\

I ???'d out the person's name.  Put yourself in their shoes though, is that you? Well that's what I have to say about it.   Also I realize I was a bit of a douche in this, but it just frustrates me.

RP Giveaway?


In case you guys have been under a rock, I'm doing an RP Giveaway on March 23rd!  This is mostly a celebration to my fans and such, but its also to solidify that I'd like to be doing this a lot more.  I love making videos, I love playing games, and I love creating commentary (whether text or vocal) and you guys have supported me and I think you deserve some love too!  So how do you get in on this FREE RP?

You'll have to be subscribed to me on Youtube (

Then you'll have to either follow me on Twitter (
Like me on Facebook (

Then on March 23rd 10PM PST, at I'll be livestreaming and during that I'll be doing a RP Giveaway! I'm not sure how much I'll be giving away. At least two $10 RP Cards. If I get a big turn out I'll give out more!

If you would like to help me financially with this give away by donating, email me at with the subject "Giveaway Support".  Thanks guys, stay classy and keep winning!

RE: "Playing to Win 1: Secrets to get to 2,000 elo"


This is a reply to the above article. I highly recomend reading it, as it articulates what a lot of people have trouble with.  Basically it states that last hitting is the single most important part of farming GOLD in League of Legends. This is something that a lot of people in ELO Hell don't understand.  LeBlanc going 10-0 with 50 CS 20 minutes into game, isn't that much ahead of Gangplank with 150 CS and has a few assists.

The reason you kill someone is not for the gold, but to stop THEM from getting gold.  If they're dead, they can't farm!  You get experience, they don't, and if you can last hit properly, you start to build a lead that will eventually amount to an item of significant value.  So guys, if you can't hit 80 Last hits by 10:00, practice.



Go to bot games where you won't have to deal with harass.  Just work on your last hitting. 80 Last hits in 10 minutes should be a standard thing for you.  Getting that in an actual game is a bit more difficult, but you should still aim there.  Also, don't neglect creeps when mid/late game shows up!  Champion kills stay static, creeps don't! Their value goes UP!  You see top lane pushing to your tower? Don't let the tower eat up all that gold, go and farm it, push it out and make the enemy lose gold to their tower!

There are some champions in the game that are exceptional for this.  Champions I can lose lane and still end up winning the game because of their farm are Twisted Fate, Talon, Master Yi, Vladamir, Tryndamere, etc.  Just farm farm farm, and you'll become this beast when you get back to fights.  HAVE map awareness though, don't be farming when theres an objective going on (unless this is planned, Shen ult, TP, etc).

Anyway, enough of my post. Go check out the post on SK Gaming!

Also! I hit more than 500 Subscribers, so I'll be doing my RP GIVEAWAY on March 23rd.  If you need more information on that, check out this video!

Intel Extreme Masters Hannover #1


Holy shit.  Excuse my language, but this tournament has been crazy!  If you missed the first two days, they play reruns during the day, but if you want to catch it live you're going to have to stay up. (Unless you're from the East, where you luckily don't have to stay up till 5AM to watch all the matches)  The tournament definitely has taken a few swings that I didn't expect and a few things that regretfully I saw coming.

I'll start with some SPOILER FREE stuff, and then I'll put a big wall before I go over some spoilers. I HIGHLY recommend watching some of the games, there were some definitely great games and a few really sad game throws. What did I notice in this tournament?

Shyvanna is still M5's favorite champion it seems.  They just play her so well and it works so well in their gameplay strategies.  Basically a must ban against them!  Its cool to see that Shyvanna wasn't just a one shot wonder surprise pick, but instead becoming one of those top tier picks along with Udyr, Lee Sin, and Skarner.  Surprisingly not a lot of Skarner seen, which I predict is because he gives away what position he is taking.  You show your cards if you pick Skarner, if you pick Lee Sin, Udyr, or Shyvanna they can go either top lane or jungle.  Yes, Skarner can go top: its just not that pretty.

Corki got a lot of love from some teams, which is something I always like to see. I think Corki takes a unique amount of skill.  He has the best escape of the ranged ADs, has a good mix of armor shred/magic damage to mix it up.  He has amazing poke, and can get kills pretty easily in lane. 

Kog'Maw has dominated this tournament.  Its so great to see Kog'maw making a return as I felt that he was never really taken down.  His slight nerf to his bio-arcane barrage wasn't enough to kill him, then with nerfs to Graves, Vayne, and Sivir it's given him his highlight again.  Also, the Nunu Bloodboil + Kog'Maw is just GROSS.  

Graves didn't do all that well. I believe its because his range just makes him not as viable in comeptitive play.  He needs to get way to dangerous to really put out some damage. He has the problem that Vayne does without an almost continuous stealth, because of this all his damage is hard to actually put out.  He does fantastic in the laning phase, but unless you can really force that advantage, someone like Kog'maw will scale way better.

Tristana wasn't seen as much as I would have hoped. I'm thinking its because Kog'maw is essentially a higher damage version of her WITH a long range poke (ultimate).  Tristana unfortunately becomes a purely auto attack champion late game, which Kog'maw makes good use of 2-3 of his skills late game.  

Okay, those were just some things I noticed (sorry they were mostly ranged ADs) but here are some slight spoilers, so WARNING!







Team Solomid choked hard.  Regi wasn't playing well at all I felt.  So many wasted flashes, mistimed flashes, bad ultimates, etc.  Chaox was constantly caught out of position as the ranged AD, something that I feel is due to a little bit of "Solo Queue" syndrome. (You get a lot more squeezing room for positioning in solo queue) TheRainMan I felt played okay, except he just got bullied in so many games, with 3 man gank tops, etc. Xspecial seemed to do well most of the games.  TheOddOne played a lot of junglers he doesn't main, which to secure a pick is good, but it left him at 90%.

CURSE COP oh my goodness.  I remember watching an event a while back, where Westrice just domianted with Vayne.  That was Cop with Kog'maw.  He had a game where he went 14-0, where SCUMBAG Elementz stole the Penta, haha. His positioning was just excellent and definitely was a flagship for ranged AD players. 

Dignitas with the biggest game throw I've seen in a long time, Scarra was pretty upset.  Its rare to see Scarra get so upset. But whatever, they made to the next day, where they will have their chance again hopefully.  I'm a big Voyboy fan, but to be honest if it comes down to Curse vs. Dignitas I want to see Curse win.  Why?  I think it'd be fun.  It used to be OH MAN SOLOMID VS COUNTER LOGIC GAMING! No, I want more top teams. I want OH MAN CURSE AND DIGNITAS! Which they've already proved they are great teams, I just want more big name wins.  

M5.  Ugh, cocky bastards who just seem so fake.  I know I may get a lot of hate for just disliking them, but I'm sorry.  They are immature and unprofessional, they're like a classic heel for Pro Wrestling. I feel like they want you to dislike them, because it keeps you on their mind.  M5 is the villain of League of Legends, haha.  However, I do applaud them for being great players and having strategies that continue to shake up games. BUT JEESH. BAN SHYVANNA, TAKE JANNA.

So how do I sum up the first two days of the event?

Oh OddOne haha!
That's all for this post, I'll try and keep up to date with the tournaments, however staying up that late really messes with you when you have school!  If you have any questions or comments, please comment here or contact me through Facebook or Twitter! If you want to be part of my upcoming RP GIVEAWAY AT 500 SUBSCRIBERS, click here to subscribe to my channel on youtube!

Want to watch the Event?
While you're there, follow me 

- Stay Classy and Keep Winning!

Nick "DoubleWinning" Gustafson

Feb 28th Ranked Games

(Just kept normals for authenticity) 
Game 1
Udyr 1-2-15

Learning to play Udyr!
Counter jungled and learning when Udyr becomes god mode
Communicating with my team worked wonders

Kinda low in farming and twice I just dove enemy team without assessing my team
I need to killsteal more

What to work on
Have smite ready for objectives
Make sure team can follow up when I initiate

WATCH THIS GAME: (will put link here later!)


Game 2
Tristana 15-5-4

This was my first Ranked 5s with my new Team (Team Kevin Blows)
Tristana kill lane is just ridiculous
Got to play my Guerilla Tactics lane (Tristana + Leona = first blood level 3 np np)

Need a bit more team coordination and ward coverage.  A couple blown ultis and deaths because we were caught out of place. 

What to work on
Positioning and general map awareness for whole team


Game 3
Tristana 9-2-5

Guerilla tactics TOO strong (Lux + Tristana = level 2/3 first blood np np)
Kept up my farming as well as kills
Denied enemy carry of a lot of farm as well as made their jungler come bot always
Good supports = FREELO

Lux KS'd me :[
Died at an awkward stage so I went triple dorans and vamp scepter. Didn't matter though, ended building PD + 3 Dorans for maximum early game advantage.

What to work on
Talk to team before match, if they can play a good Leona/Lux = Guerilla Tactics gg
If not, play a solo lane/jungle
Started: 1329
ELO: 1353


That's all for this post, this is the format I will be using for LIvestream recaps from now on!  If you have any questions or comments, please comment here or contact me through Facebook or Twitter! If you want to see some full gameplays be sure to check out my Youtube.  I'll be posting a lot of full game plays pretty soon, so be sure to subscribe! In an unrelated note though, click here to see my full gameplays on Youtube.

- Stay Classy and Keep Winning!

Nick "DoubleWinning" Gustafson <--- FOLLOW SO YOU DON'T MISS A LIVESTREAM! :)

Livestream Feb 23rd

Pretty fun livestream, hopefully I'll catch more of you guys next time!

Game 1
Tristana 0-6-0

None really

I had terrible last hitting, every lane lost including mine, I died to Talon/Lee Sin ganks
Lost morale and basically just played dumb last 4 deaths because the game was already 2-15 with every dragon theirs and all out towers gone

What to work on
Last hitting and putting more pressure on Enemy, find more openings.


Game 2
Shyvanna 4-2-6

Counter jungled Nocturne early, was able to grab his red but not quite fast enough so that he didn't notice
Had good dragon timers except last which was off by like 45 seconds
Had good wards to prevent counter jungling
Stopped half their blues
If lane has good CC, easy ganks (Annie stun OP)

Not using health potions early while fighting, coulda saved life
Using smite knowing dragon/baron
Need to communicate better with team when objectives are up

What to work on
Keep more timers and communicate with team about them


Game 3
Graves 3-2-6

Pushed Caitlynn well so that I out CS'd her
Kept good dragons again so we controlled them no problem
Support sucked but I carried her jk

Kept running out of mana, consider Mana Regen for a push lane/use soraka instead of Sona
Invaded red without wardage, got caught and pooped on, need to pay attention to lanes if i'm going to make a big play hero mode

What to work on
Paying attention to lanes so I can make big plays


Game 4
Talon 7-6-13

Incredible Dragon/Baron control
Farmed well enough to matter late game
Ganked pretty well with Boots 5, shoulda got Mercs though

Got jewed early by Lee Sin and Vlad having <50 HP (DAMN YOU LEE SIN SHIELD!)
Got rocked by Vlad in lane, feeding a little
Died too much early

What to work on
Getting double kills while under pressure aka turn and burn better
Switch lanes earlier if needed
Pay more attention to what boots to get

Started: 1290
ELO: 1329

That's all for this post, this is the format I will be using for LIvestream recaps from now on!  If you have any questions or comments, please comment here or contact me through Facebook or Twitter! If you want to see some full gameplays be sure to check out my Youtube.  I'll be posting a lot of full game plays pretty soon, so be sure to subscribe! In an unrelated note though, click here to see my full gameplays on Youtube.

- Stay Classy and Keep Winning!

Nick "DoubleWinning" Gustafson <--- FOLLOW SO YOU DON'T MISS A LIVESTREAM! :)

Made Me Feel Happy!

Read in the Red!
I was playing some ranked (been on a downturn recently, so I took a bit of a break to work on my last hitting and such in normals) and I plugged my youtube like I try to do when I do well.  I was paid a pretty cool compliment that made me happy.  Also, we carried that Tryndamere so hard. (He was 0-3 against a Garen up top) Vlad was actually down against Ryze for the beginning of the game too.  However, Soraka and I made some pretty damn fine plays down bot and got me fed and farmed.  I had a full build around 35 minutes.

Heal on carry is pretty nice early game, got a nice heal bait on Janna who came to clean me up and ended up dying.
Soraka was really good, didn't need instruction
I was doing a pretty good job at last hitting and harassing at the right times.
QSS is a beast against Ryze snare and Rammus taunt.
Set up good Barons/Dragons and kept timers and reminded my teammates (example: "1 min till dragon, shen come bot" "baron up in 1 min, oracles/ward and group up"
Had good positioning and dipped in and out of fights well

Whiffed two ults pretty bad, gotta remember resistances.
Jumped onto Garen blindly (who then spin to winned all over my face)
Got a little irritated with 0/3 Trynd for starting brawlers gloves

What I Learned
Shen is OP. First pick or Ban every game.
In a teamfight as Ranged Carry, don't fight the other ranged carry.  You may kill them, but its too risky and you won't live as long. Try and do the safest amount of constant DPS.
Everything freaking cancels Rocket Jump

That's all for this post! If you have any questions or comments, please comment here or contact me through Facebook or Twitter! If you want to see some full gameplays be sure to check out my Youtube. Click here to see my full gameplays on Youtube.

- Stay Classy and Keep Winning!

Nick "DoubleWinning" Gustafson  <-- FOLLOW ME GUYS :D